Keynote Speaker

Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in the HKSAR
Mr. Xie Feng has been the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since 2017. He received a Bachelor of Law degree in 1986 and a Master of Public Administration degree in 2008.
Mr. Xie Feng has 21 years of engagement in China-US relationship during his 30-plus years of diplomatic service. He served in the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. twice (2000-2003 and 2008-2010) and in the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs of the Ministry, holding important posts including the Minister of the Embassy, Deputy Chief of Mission (2008-2010) and the Director General of the Department (2010-2014).
Prior to his present functions, Mr. Xie Feng served as the Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia from 2014 to 2017. Amb. Xie was deeply involved in China’s diplomacy towards its neighbors and the development of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, in particular the major China-Indonesia infrastructure cooperation projects such as the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway.
Mr. Xie Feng started his diplomatic career in the Foreign Ministry at the British desk, West European Affairs Department, and was involved in Sino-British consultations on Hong Kong affairs before the return of the city.
Mr. Xie Feng is a Shanghai native and is married with one son.