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Mr. Raymond Cheng

President, Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants


Mr. Raymond Cheng is the President of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA). Mr. Cheng was first elected as a council member at the 2010 AGM and has served on the Council since then. He has been taking up positions in various committees of the HKICPA since 1998.

Mr. Cheng is currently the Chairman of HLB Hodgson Impey Cheng Limited and Council member of HLB International. He leads the firm by formulating strategies that contribute to the continual growth of the firm. Mr. Cheng specializes in corporate audits and has extensive experience in auditing companies in different industries, most especially financial services industry.

He has been actively involved in the development of accounting profession through his leadership and participation in a wide range of HKICPA committees. He is currently the Chairman of the Nomination Committee, the Chairman of the Qualification Oversight Board, and the Chairman of the Task Force on the Financial Reporting Council Assessment on HKICPA. Mr. Cheng was the Deputy Chairman of the Ethics Committee and the Deputy Chairman of the Audit Profession Reform Working Group.

As well as running business, Mr. Cheng's earnest commitment to making the world better is attested by his sterling public service including his involvement with Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, International Federation of Accountants, Institute of Accountants Exchange, Young Accountants Association and the Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal of Hong Kong.

Mr. Cheng qualified as a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW) in London, UK in 1995 and became a fellowmember (Practising) of HKICPA and a fellow member of ICAEW.

Funded by Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund, Trade and Industry Department

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